Altamura Distilleries Wins Two More Gold Medals

PR NEWSWIRE | Altamura Distilleries Wins Two More Gold Medals; Announces Participation in Cortina Cocktail Weekend



OSTUNI, BR, Italy, Dec. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Altamura Distilleries, a producer of premium spirits made from the unique wheat of Altamura, Italy has won two more impressive awards. Altamura’s Vodka received a Gold Medal Award from the DB Asia Winter Tasting 2022 in the Premium Category, and their vodka bottle was awarded a Gold Medal by The Spirits Business’ Design & Packaging Masters.

“We are thrilled to have our vodka recognized again for its quality and unique mouthfeel; this is our fourth gold medal since introducing the product earlier this year,” said Frank Grillo, Altamura managing director. “We are also delighted to have received a gold medal for the design of our vodka bottle. The credit goes to our design firm, Imature Agency who combined one of the prominent symbols of the city of Altamura, the famous lions of her cathedral, with the most representative colors of Puglia.”

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Altamura Distilleries Wins Two More Gold Medals

Altamura Distilleries @Venice cocktail Week

PR NEWSWIRE | Altamura Distilleries Participating in Venice Cocktail Week



OSTUNI, Italy, Sept. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Altamura Distilleries, a producer of premium spirits from the unique wheat of Altamura, is delighted to announce its participation in Venice Cocktail Week 2022. The company’s Altamura Vodka will be featured in cocktails at the following venues: Carlton Rooftop, The Bauer Hotel, Bar Amo, The Experimental Cocktail Club Venice, The Chic Bar, The Bar at the Aman Venice, Grancaffè Quadri, Venissa, the Sagra Rooftop at the JW Marriott and the Tarnowska American Bar.

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Altamura Distilleries @Venice cocktail Week

La vodka italiana di Altamura Distilleries premiata con quattro medaglie al Global Spirits Master Competitions in Inghilterra

PR NEWSWIRE | Altamura Distilleries Wins Awards and Expands Business in the UK



OSTUNI, Italy, Sept. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Altamura Distilleries a producer of premium spirits from the unique Altamura Italian wheat, won four top awards from The Spirits Business’ Vodka Masters Competition and has named the companies’ first UK distributor.

Altamura Distilleries’ Vodka won the following awards in The Spirits Business’ Vodka Masters Competition:

Vodka – Smooth – Gold Medal

Vodka – Europe – Gold Medal

Super-Premium (£21-£30) – Silver Medal

Vodka – Wheat – Silver Medal

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La vodka italiana di Altamura Distilleries premiata con quattro medaglie al Global Spirits Master Competitions in Inghilterra

Altamura Distilleries Premium Spirits

PR NEWSWIRE | Vodka Made from Famous Italian Wheat Debuts at Como Lake Cocktail Week



COMO, Italy, June 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Altamura Distilleries, a new company making spirits from the famous Altamura Wheat, is a major sponsor of the 2022 Como Lake Cocktail Week in Como Italy.

Como Lake Cocktail Week is a magical event in Como city and on the Lake. It celebrates the Art of Mixology and Gourmet Food Pairing. A week full of events, tastings, and an Altamura Distilleries sponsored Master Class. More than 30 cocktail bars, restaurants and luxury hotels in the ancient city overlooking Lake Como will participate.

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Altamura Distilleries Premium Spirits

La vodka italiana di Altamura Distilleries premiata con medaglia d'argento da SIP Awards

PR NEWSWIRE | Italian Vodka made from Altamura Wheat Awarded Silver Medal at SIP Awards



OSTUNI BR, Italy, May 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Altamura Distilleries, a new company making spirits from the famous Altamura Wheat, was awarded a Silver Medal for its vodka at the SIP Awards, an annual spirits tasting competition based in the United States.

“Using the famous Altamura wheat, we wanted the vodka to have character from the wheat, so we distilled it just three times, rather than six or more times that drives any flavor out and has become common with many brands in recent years,” said Steven Acuña, Chief Operating Officer of Altamura Distilleries. “The result is a vodka with a hint of sweetness from the wheat and a bit of a juicy mouthfeel.”

“We are thrilled to have received this Silver Medal from the SIP Awards. While we are only selling the Vodka in Italy now, it’s good to know that consumers in the U.S. also enjoy a more expressive vodka flavor,” Mr. Acuña continued.”

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La vodka italiana di Altamura Distilleries premiata con medaglia d'argento da SIP Awards