Exclusive wheat purveyor

We are proud to partner with the Cappiello family and its patriarch Andrea as our exclusive wheat purveyor.
The Cappiello’s have been farming the fields of Altamura for three generations and represent the very essence of the place. When Andrea talks about the cycle of growing wheat, from the clearing of land in August to the sowing in November to the harvest in June you understand the labor of love that is growing this wheat.
Listen to him talk about the lessons of tradition, “the ground is like people, it needs rest,” “ the sun makes wheat,” or “June, my scythe is my hand” and you can see the centuries of tradition in each grain.

Altamura Distilleries Premium Spirits
Altamura Distilleries Premium Spirits

Exclusive wheat purveyor

We are proud to partner with the Cappiello family and its patriarch Andrea as our exclusive wheat purveyor.
The Cappiello’s have been farming the fields of Altamura for three generations and represent the very essence of the place. When Andrea talks about the cycle of growing wheat, from the clearing of land in August to the sowing in November to the harvest in June you understand the labor of love that is growing this wheat.
Listen to him talk about the lessons of tradition, “the ground is like people, it needs rest,” “ the sun makes wheat,” or “June, my scythe is my hand” and you can see the centuries of tradition in each grain.

Altamura Distilleries Premium Spirits

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